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Risoluzione sulla Bielorussia

I Partiti Comunisti e Operai, partecipanti all'Incontro Comunista Europeo, tenutosi a Bruxelles l'11 e il 12 aprile 2011, condannano l'attentato nella metropolitana di Minsk, in conseguenza del quale sono morte o hanno riportato ferite decine di persone.

Con questa risoluzione esprimiamo il nostro cordoglio per le vittime dell'atto e condanniamo i piani di destabilizzazione del paese, portati avanti con il supporto degli Stati Uniti, dell'Unione Europea e della NATO.

Noi sosteniamo il diritto di ciascun popolo di scegliere autonomamente la propria via di sviluppo, senza interferenze imperialistiche straniere.


  1. Communist Party of Styria [Austria]
  2. Communist Party of Belarus
  3. Workers' Party of Belgium
  4. New Communist Party of Britain
  5. Communist Party of Britain
  6. Party of the Bulgarian Communists
  7. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  8. Communist Party in Denmark
  9. Communist Party of Denmark
  10. Communist Party of Estonia
  11. Finland Communist Workers’ Party for Peace and Socialism
  12. Pole of Rebirth of Communistes in France
  13. Union of Revolutionary Communistes of France URCF
  14. Communist Party of Greece
  15. Hungarian Workers' Communist Party
  16. The Workers' Party of Ireland
  17. Communist Party of Ireland
  18. Communist Peoples' Left, Italy
  19. Socialist Party of Latvia
  20. Communist Party of Luxembourg
  21. Movement of People's Resistance, Moldavia
  22. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
  23. Communist Party of Norway
  24. Communist Party of Poland
  25. Portuguese Communist Party
  26. Communist Party of Russian Federation
  27. Communist Workers' Party of Russia - Revolutionary Party of Communists
  28. Communist Party of Soviet Union
  29. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  30. Communist Party of Slovakia
  31. Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
  32. Communist Party of Sweden
  33. Party of Labour, Switzerland
  34. Communist Party of Turkey
  35. (EMEP), Turkey
  36. Union of Communists of Ukraine
========== Many thanks to the comrades from Communist Peoples' Left for the translation


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